Well this is my challenge for 2012!! Life is whizzing past at such a rate and it is so true the older you get the quicker time passes.
So many things going round in my head and my memory is not what it used to be that I thought that I need to start writing them down just so I can look back and say how daft was I then or maybe just occasionally say what a wise old bird I was !! Do doubt the second but hey ho we all live in hope!
Hope is such a awesome word its sometimes all we have but we cling on to it even when all around us it is chaos. My hope when I was a young girl was my knight in shinning armour would come along and rescue me. I never was the pretty girl but then again I was never the girl that was picked on I was just in the weird group that do not quite fit the mould. I did have a secret weapon though my laugh it would get me out of trouble ...... mind you in later days it would also get me in trouble!!
When I was 18 I met my husband my life seemed to get on track !! or so I thought (that's another blog so will save that one!!)
But I realised looking back now I was still looking for my knight in shining armour not in the normal sense of the words but in a deep spiritual sense. I love my husband and it is a love that has grown and grown not one day goes by without me thinking how lucky I am to love and to have the love of him.
But there was something missing never knew what it was and I went looking in places where I shouldn't have.
Then a friend came into my life someone who had no hidden agenda just wanted to be there as a friend for me and my family. This friend made sense when they talked to me about what was missing in my life.
I never understood at that stage why I was still looking for something when I had two boys and a husband that I loved. But what this friend said made me open my heart to something else, the real knight in shinning armour that I was looking for as a young girl and all my life.
This someone was someone who loved me unconditionally, would forgive me for all the stupid things I did in the past and never hold them against me this someone gave me a hope for the future. This someone was God.
God was my knight in shining armour - He gave me the hope I needed and as Christians it is what we all have a REAL hope. We have a knight in shining armour helping us fight our battles. This knight is all powerful and loving. He is there for us all.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a future.